Underwater Shiranui who likes to cause chaos

Logo by Amatsuki Luni
Background by Kota Kotonya
May hope misguide you! My name is Kai Chizuru and I am an underwater shiranui vtuber1! I am also the owner and manager of the Knick Knack store, Floating Cove (Still WIP).I can be found weekly on Twitch, either playing games, chatting, crocheting/knitting2, or animating. Overall, just being a chaotic gremlin. You can find my reference sheets (by Roji) here and a link to my models (old and current) above in header.
More about the person behind the model: I am a Vietnamese-Canadian asexual non-binary person. I have a Bachelor of Science in Science and am currently pursuing another bachelor in biomedical studies. I typically stream weekly due to my heavy study load. I began vtubing in the summer of 2020 to make friends and stream myself crocheting. I made my actual vtuber debut in early beginning of 2021 as the Underwater Shiranui.
[1] Shiranuis are similar to the Irish Will-o'-wisp, but the Japanese variant typically appear above water. I am an underwater variant in that I can continue to burn under the ocean and sea, when provided with adequate fuel (this has scientific backing).
[2] I have eczema, a skin condition caused by an overly active immune system, that tend to flare up during midterm and exam periods.

2.0/Current model

Artist/Fumu: Taugee/Bean

Rigger/Papa: Rofuera

2.0 Chibi model

Artist/Mama: Cungie

Rigger: Chris (shiroGEM)

1.0 model was assembled by me with:
- Designs by: Buniix (need DA account to see)
- Hair by: Nao-ya